Friday, 7 February 2014

Salt is not only for cooking!

Salt is not only for cooking!

Salt isn’t just for your food. Yes, many people use it to flavour their dinner, but there are plenty ways that salt can come to help you. Salt comes in very handy for a bunch of reasons:
1. You can pour salt over a dropped egg on the floor, and after a while, you can clean it right up. No mess whatsoever.
2. Remove stains easier from hankies after soaking them in some water sprinkled with salt.
3. Keep those pesky ants away from your counters or shelves by scatter some salt on them.
4. Descaling a fish is easier if you soak the fish in salt water.
5. The saltshaker will let your salt fall easier, if you put a few grains of rice in it.
6. Green salads can be stopped from wilting by adding salt to them.
7. With a glass of water test to see if fresh eggs are as fresh as they are advertised. Place in a cup of salt water and if they sink, they’re ok, if they float, trash them.
8. Keep eggs in their shells when boiling, by adding some salt to your water.
9. Fluff-up your egg whites with a tiny pinch of salt when beating up.
10. Remove wrinkles from your apples by soaking them in a mildly salted water solution.
11. Don’t ever have your pancakes stuck again on the griddle with rubbing some salt on it first.
12. Toothbrushes will last longer if you soak them, before using for the first time, in some salt water.
13. Cleaning your discoloured coffee pot is so easy when sprinkling some salt.
14. Whiten your bathroom by mixing salt with turpentine in a special formula to use when cleaning the toilet bowl or bathtub.
For more tips for home please visit our website or FB page.

Iron bottom needs cleaning?

Iron bottom needs cleaning? 

If you like your clothes look sharp and fresh looking without any pesky wrinkles, make sure your iron is clean.

Here is an easy solution for the hassle of pouring toxic substance that could harm your skin and the air you breathe. I am  talking about salt! Now, you could use salt in order to make appliances such as an iron almost like brand new. The rust simply vanishes after you leave the iron on a baking sheet filled with salt over the night. This way you aren’t in danger of intoxicating yourself. You save some decent money and your clothes can be fresh once again.

For more tips for home please visit our website or FB page.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Kitchen sink cleaning tips!

Kitchen sink cleaning tips!

Follow these simple steps and your sink will look brand new again without using any chemicals!:

You will need to use: liquid soap for dish-washing, distilled wine vinegar, baking soda, rock salt, lemon or lime, toothbrush, old rag and a nylon or soft sponge. If you want to make a daily clean a mild soap and a nylon sponge will do it. It is very important to avoid using ammonia or bleach because they can do some serious damage to stainless steel. After cleaning just rinse sink and wipe it dry with a towel. It is really important that you rinse out the sink every time after using it, as the salt in the food can also harm the stainless steel. Wet the surface of your sink and cover it with a little baking soda. Make a paste out of it by brushing with the sponge and then rinse well. By using the toothbrush you can clean the caulk seal and all around the sink. Scrub well with baking soda. Rinse and then repeat the process. Soak some paper towels in vinegar and cover the entire sink with them. Let them sit for 20 minutes then throw away the paper towels. With a sponge dipped into water and soap, clean the surface of the sink, then rinse thoroughly.
Another option for cleaning your sink would be to put two cups of ice into the drain and pour one cup of rock salt onto them. Turn on the cold water and let it pour onto this mix and turn on the garbage disposal. Then just wait for the ice to disappear. You can also clean your sink by using a lemon or a lime. Just cut the fruit, turn on the water and the garbage disposal add the lemon piece by piece to the garbage disposal. This will clean your drain nicely and will also give a pleasant smell to your kitchen.

For more tips for home please visit our website or FB page.